Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Pablo + Mickey + Minnie

Pablo just had a surprise visit from the two happiest rodents on earth. Let's hope he asked them to have a word with that gnarly raccoon in our attic!

As you can see, we didn't get out of CHLA this morning. Good news is, Pablo, Jo Ann, Patricia (the overnight crew) Polly and Dean will be home within the hour.

Fred and I just left my phys therapy appointment. We're hittin Zankou Chicken to get nutrition for the troops. Here's to a SWEET night at HOME!


James M said...
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James M said...
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James M said...

Welcome home Pablo! Hope you're having a cool night and followed by a great night's sleep. Castelaz family, you inspire us!

Anonymous said...

Pleasant dreams sweet Pablo.

Love to all, Jenefer