Friday, May 23, 2008

Live From Gardner Street

When we got to school this afternoon, I walked in first, to be sure it was a good time for Pablo to come inside. He can't do any rough stuff, cos if he slams his tummy, one of the tumors could rupture. Thankfully, it was raining today, so the kids were inside playing quietly.

As I walked in, some of the children ran up, excitedly asking, "Is Pablo coming today?!"

Little Jack ran over to me and proclaimed, "I know who you are! You're Pablo's dad!"

When Pablo came inside, his classmates greeted him with excitement, love, curiosity. Pure stuff. Intimate communication among little humans being. This is the only kind of goods kids deal in. Any time I'm having a rough and tough day, the energy inside Walther School sorts me out. Frankly, any group of children would have this effect. So if you don't have the opportunity to be around kiddies at this point in your life, now ya know: kids got it goin on. As parents and adults all we gotta do is nurture and protect them, and stay out of the way. Much of the time, Jo Ann and I feel that Pablo and Grady are leading US!

Some random quotes from the scene here:

"What were you sick with, Pablo?"

"Can you show us your bump?"

"Can we see your chest?"

I'll post pics of Pablo showing his belly to his classmates when we get home.

The kids just sat down to do yoga with Ananta. So sweet. Gotta go.

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