Sunday, June 8, 2008

Various Photos From Graduation Weekend

We just dropped Grady at LAX. He and his classmates are off to Costa Rica for nine days. No parents are allowed on the trip. They are with their teacher, Deb Waring, and two other teachers. It felt very strange to drive Grady to the airport, and leave without him. Every time we've gone to LAX as a family, we've all gotten on the plane together.

This is a significant rite of passage for Grady, and for us as a family. We will miss him, and we are excited for him.

Here's a roundup of various shots from this weekend.....

Grady on stage at graduation

Grady, Chris and Julio on the deck outside the eighth grade classroom on Friday, the last day of school

I love this one. Pablo and Jo Ann at the Rose Ceremony on Friday morning. This is a Waldorf ceremony where each eighth grader presents a rose to a first grader, symbolically turning the school over to them. In two years, Pablo will receive one of those roses

Pablo on the front steps at Grady's school

Jimmy and Grady at the post-grad dinner party

Pablo and Papa

How ya like me now?

On the spinning wheel at "his" playground on the Waldorf campus. He went to mommy+me class in the building you see in the background

OK, I had to get on the spinning wheel! Pablo's becoming a better action photog by the day.

I actually thought it was face-plant time in this one. I hung on so he could get his shot.

Mommy and Pablo at post-grad dinner party.

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