Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Pablo Gets His Cupcake!

Pablo, Polly and Jo Ann are at the office. They were busy at home, catching up on playing (Pablo) and organizing our lives (Jo Ann), but somehow I talked them into coming over for a visit. I told them it was urgent - and it was, for me.

When they got here, I handed Jo Ann her St Patrick's Day present: a CD bootleg of the U2 show she attended in 1982 on the riverboat President. Ben in our office has been working on downloading the music for a while - it was from some janky file sharing site, which we'd NEVER use, except for this sort of a special occasion. When I came in, Ben was assembling a cool package for the CD - a proper cover and everything. Total coincidence that this all came together on St Pat's Day [insert Irish cliche here], and that's why I wanted to get her to the office today.

My special reason for Pablo to come to office was even simpler: to walk him next door to Town and Country Cafe for a giant ho-made Hostess Cupcake-style cupcake. As you can see in the pic, he loved it, and made good use of the Dangerbird conference room while doing so.

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