Sunday, August 24, 2008

Prayers, Meditations, Energy and Light NEEDED!

Dear Friends,

As I lay here next to Pablo tonight and turn all of this over to God... I am reminded of all of our beautiful family and friends, acquaintances and complete strangers that have our baby in their hearts, prayers, thoughts, meditations, etc.

Pablo is hanging strong tonight. He has asked that I sleep in the bed with him which I was hoping would happen... He may kick me out in the middle of the night, but I'm going to stay next to him as long as possible.

Pablo's surgery will begin at 7:30am Los Angeles time. Please take a moment tomorrow morning to acknowledge Pablo and his strength and ask for Pablo's path to complete recovery to start smoothly.

We are so grateful.

Jo Ann


MKPatrick said...

Dear Jo Ann,
Pablo's healing is here. Perfect health. Perfect boy.
Sending love and light all night and day.
Sending divine guidance to those miraculous surgeons.
The Patrix: Mary Kay, Matthew, Luke & Amelia

Unknown said...

Woke up thinking about Pablo and your family this morning. Sending you lots of love this morning.

Scott and Peter