Saturday, October 31, 2009
Our First Halloween Away From Pablo

Friday, October 30, 2009
Day 21: Kerrville to Dooley Ranch, Texas
We may not have internet service this evening. So you may not see us until Saturday afternoon. Stay tuned.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Pablo's Parents Smile

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Pablove Hangs At Casa De Lance Armstrong

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Day 18: Austin
Monday, October 26, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Hello From The Road
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Pablove on Loveline
Monday, October 12, 2009
Pablove Across America - Day Three!
Here are the video updates from Day Three! Three down, twenty-seven to go...
- Mike
ps. Jeff is taking over filming duties until Saturday - don't worry if the videos aren't posted as frequently... we never know how the internet's gonna be when we roll into each city.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Pablove Across America - Day Two!
- Mike
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Video Blogs!
Greetings from Gainesville! We wanted to share with you the Video Blogs we've done up to this point (the last three days worth), presented here in chronological order. From here out, we'll upload each video as they go up, so it'll be one vlog per post.
- Mike
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Pablove In St Augustine+Switching Over To Video Blogs Starting Saturday

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Our Late Night With Dr. Drew
On a more superficial level, my favorite moment with Drew was when he told me off the air that he saw Van Halen play a dance in the early '70s at Grady's school, St Francis. Kills me. Why did I have to be born so late?
I was excited when Jo Ann said she'd come with me to the 'Loveline' studio. The show is on from 10 to midnight, which put it in the red zone for Jo Ann's schedule. We left the intimate Pablove Across America kick off party at Dangerbird HQ and headed to Culver City for dinner. At the studio, we chatted with Drew for half an hour before going on air. We told him how we'd met on a music video project for an artist that was on Grand Royal Records; their offices were directly across the street from Drew's studio. He got a kick out of the symmetry.
Brian Aubert from Silversun Pickups joined the show via phone from Hilton Head, SC. His ability to capture complex emotion in a single sentence blows me away. 'Loveline' has been on the air since 1983. Last night was the first time they'd dedicated a show to cancer. After the show, the producer, Ann, told us they weren't sure how their audience would receive the topic. Turns out the phones blew up the entire time the lines were open. The calls that got through proved that the cancer conversation is ready to happen - that people w a n t and. n e e d a place to open the dialogue. I was honored and proud to share this incredible experience of bringing with Brian.
I felt Jo Ann's love as she sat on the sofa behind me with headphones over her skull; every time I looked over at her for support and strength, her eyes shot both straight at me. Talking to young people about cancer was not easy. Listening to a mother - who was on break at her job - calling in to talk about losing her son to a brain tumor was not easy.
Being of service by giving feedback, that was easy. It's important to me to give away what I got. My experience is mine, sure. But it's useless if I keep it to myself.
Our friend Rob Goldklang, a radio promotion exec from Warner Bros Records, was also with us. He has dedicated himself to helping the Pablove Foundation in any way. He and Dangerbird GM Matt Solodky have been hammering the Pablove auction scene. Rob also set up the 'Loveline' appearance. His heart connection to Pablove was clear to Drew and Ann, and that got the job done.
It was a great night, and a unique experience to be behind the mic. It was also the single biggest media hit The Pablove Foundation has ever had. 'Loveline' is syndicated to 60 stations around North America, and has thousands of listeners online. In 60 minutes, the mission and message of the foundation hit hundreds of thousands of ears all across the U.S. And that was worth staying up late for.
Next stop: St Augustine, Florida.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Pablove On Broadway

When people's hearts lead their minds and bodies, the results can be staggering. This is the case with the efforts of Dangerbird GM Matt Solodky connecting with Julie Pilat, program director for LA radio station 98.7FM. Julie's station is owned by Clear Channel. She rallied the ovtdoor advertising unit of her company to support Pablove Across America on their digital billboards all over the country. We're going to be on billboards along the PAA route, in airports, New York City cabs, and, as you can see above, in Times Square!
A truly breathtaking example of the Pablove Army in action.
Kids Helping Kids

Pablove + Loveline = Pabloveline
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Scooby In The Sun