Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Day 32: Silver City, New Mexico


Heather said...

M.I.A. ... but haven't missed a day in watching or thinking of you and sending you out love and light as the last leg of the ride draws near.One of our older girls lives in La Jolla .. I am certain she wold love to track you down and cheer you on from the road side.She might just have to do that.

Our little guy Joe watches most of the videos with me.Sits really patient and pays close attention.Asked me today when you were coming back and proceed to go up stairs and put on his Pablove shirt.

Pablo has reached us and touched us all.

Stephen B. said...

Jeff, we have been following your journey, and have been praying for you, and Pablo and Joann and Grady all the way. Your journey and dedications have touched and inspired us all. Ride on!

Stephen Brennan, dad to 2 time WT survivor Kathleen

chad said...

Jeff, Jo Ann, and Grady,
Thinking of you guys and sending some light your way.

Naz said...

Hi there,
I have never met you guys. I am typing this as I cry profusly.I have a two year old son and I was searching for walther preschool on google and I came acroos your blog. The blog started in 2008 when Mrs. walther visited Pablo. I was glued to the computer following Pablo's story. The entire time waiting for the blog that said he is completly cured and I came across a photo of a heart that had pablo's birth day and the day he passed. I can not describe how that made me feel.I was hoping I saw wrong . I thought this can't be. I was sobbing and looking back and forth at pictures and I realized I can't deny it and he has gone to heaven. his story touched me soooo deep beacuse I am a mother.
anyway, I wanted to write to you and let you know that my name is added to the list of people who pray for you to find comfort and happines every day of your life. I am too lost for word and not a great writer.
please let me know if i can be of any help. I live in west hollywood and would love to be involved in PAVLOVE.what a fantastic name. It makes me happy just to spell it out.
Naz (nazyad@email.com)